As we closed out 2020 we talked about our focus of supporting greater collaboration and developing partnerships so that as a country we can effectively leverage the Internet of Things across industry, Government, education institutions and startups to create a potential $2.2 billion in net economic benefit by 2027, as highlighted in our 2017 report “The Internet of Things – Accelerating a Connected New Zealand”.
This potential relies not only on the convergence of sensors, sensor data, cloud technology and machine learning but also on engaging with domain experts, therefore one of the first things we are progressing this year is to connect more effectively across the Tech Alliance and wider ecosystem and identify opportunities to collaborate and better support our members.
The other main focus for us is to continue our move to better connect the education sector with industry, including working to improve diversity and supporting the development of pathways into digital technology careers, given New Zealand’s specific digital skills challenge – the issue of a skills mismatch rather than a skills shortage.
In 2021 we are looking to bring together key stakeholders on a more regular basis through working groups and events, develop opportunities to deliver outcomes aligned with the impact our members are wanting to make, promote and more effectively use the knowledge hub as a resource for everyone interested in IoT, and to work with our community and relevant partners to build capacity for the longer term.
With this in mind we wanted to start the year off with a call-out for ideas on initiatives aligned with our focus and yours that we can look to showcase or support as part of our strategic plan. If you have any thoughts at all we encourage you to please get in touch.
Ngā mihi,
The team at the NZ IoT Alliance
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