Industrial IoT from IBM Watson
Join us and the IoT Auckland Meetup to hear IBM case study examples of their Industrial IoT solutions and network with fellow IoT enthusiasts. IBM IoT Watson Case Studies IBM is presenting industrial IoT solutions used for productivity, safety and efficiency. Using data for real-time situational awareness by collecting data from the worker environment and … Continue reading "Industrial IoT from IBM Watson"
Find out more »Making Waves: The Future Wireless Strategy
We are delighted to invite you to an exclusive lunch with Carrie MacGiIlivray, IDC Worldwide’s Group Vice President for IoT, 5G and Mobility.
Find out more »NZ 2019 IoT Half-Day Conference
IoT is mainstream – don’t get left behind. Find out how to accelerate your pathway to success with experience from leading New Zealand IoT deployments.
Find out more »IoT Impact 2019, Conference and Exhibition
IoT impact is the only Australian IoT conference driven by the industry. IoT Alliance Australia is the peak industry body representing IoT in Australia. Over 450 participating organisations and 850 individual participants are working to accelerate the adoption of IoT across the Australian economy and society. The content of this conference has been carefully crafted from experts who are designing and implementing IoT in their industry.
Find out more »IoT in Action
Accelerate your IoT vision by participating in this IoT in Action event
Find out more »IoT Waikato Tech Meetup
The IoT Waikato Tech meetup is an event for innovators, thought leaders and organisations interested in developing the Internet of Things (IoT) and digital technology in the Waikato.
Find out more »IoTBIZ – Fundamentals for business managers of IoT Applications, Technology and Management
Designed for business managers providing an overview of key topics needed to assess and implement IoT applications
Find out more »TechFest – Smart Cities
A curated programme providing unique experiences and an opportunity to forge deep connections
Find out more »Fundamentals for business managers of IoT Applications, Technology and Management
Designed for business managers providing an overview of key topics needed to assess and implement IoT applications. Webinar is provided in collaboration with CertNexus, with a recognised certificate available on completion of a post event online exam.
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